What Should a Profile Say on a Resume
If you already have your work experience listed on your LinkedIn profile, it's easy to get the site to automatically generate a resume for you. Here's how to do it.
How to Generate a Resume from Your LinkedIn Profile
All LinkedIn profiles include a button to download the profile as a PDF. This PDF is basically your resume, containing all the experiences you've listed on LinkedIn. This includes your academics, work experiences, and everything else that you have on your profile.
RELATED: What Is a PDF File (and How Do I Open One)?
To download this quick resume, first, open LinkedIn in a web browser on your computer. When LinkedIn opens, click your profile icon at the top of the site and select "View Profile."
On the profile page, right beneath your profile picture, click the "More" option, and select "Save to PDF."
In a few moments, your browser will start downloading your resume PDF from LinkedIn.
That's all there is to generating a quick automatic resume from LinkedIn, but you might not want to send it exactly as it is to potential employers. In that case, check out the section below.
Generate a Customized Resume from Your LinkedIn Profile
The resume that you downloaded above includes all the information that you have on your LinkedIn profile. If you want to add, edit, or delete certain sections of the resume, use LinkedIn's resume creation tool. It lets you choose what sections you want to include in or exclude from your resume. When you're happy with the result, you can download it as a PDF to your computer.
To start building your custom resume, open LinkedIn in your web browser. On LinkedIn, click your profile icon at the top-right corner and select "View Profile."
On the profile page, in the section at the top, select "More," and then click "Build a resume." This launches LinkedIn's resume creation tool in your browser.
In the "Select a Resume" pop-up that appears, click the "Create From Profile" button at the bottom.
In the following box that says "Choose your desired job title," click the "Job Title" box, and then enter your current job title. Then, select a title from the suggested options and click "Apply" at the bottom.
You're now on LinkedIn's resume creation tool screen. Here, you can add and exclude whatever information you want in your resume. To add or remove a section in your resume, click the pencil icon next to a section on the page.
The site will open a box with your selected section in it. Here, you can modify the contents of your section and click "Save" at the bottom of the box to save your changes. Or, you can click "Delete" to remove this section from your resume altogether.
When you've finished editing your resume, click "Preview" at the top of the LinkedIn site to preview your resume.
If you're happy with the result, click "More" at the top of the LinkedIn site, and then select "Download as PDF." This will download your resume as a PDF to your computer.
You're all set.
Bonus Tip: Download Other LinkedIn Members' Resumes
In addition to the ability to download your own resume, you can also download other LinkedIn members' resumes. You don't need to be connected with a member to be able to download their resume, but there's a limit of 200 downloads for others' resumes. (You can download your own resume an unlimited number of times, though.)
To download someone's profile, first, open their profile on LinkedIn. On the profile page, right beneath the cover image (the large image at the top of the page), click the "More" option, and then select "Save to PDF."
Your browser will start downloading a PDF resume of your selected LinkedIn member.
RELATED: How to Use the LinkedIn Resume Assistant in Microsoft Word
What Should a Profile Say on a Resume
Source: https://www.howtogeek.com/726458/how-to-quickly-generate-a-resume-from-your-linkedin-profile/
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