How Long Does It Take for Eliquis to Work
Flooded with choices in the frozen pizza section, you know there is really no choice: It's the thin crust cheese and sausage pizza or nothing at all. Moving over to select an ice cream chaser, you reach for a carton of sea salt snickerdoodle. It's a no-brainer. But when you take your groceries home and see those familiar paint swatches on your kitchen counter, your brain feels like it's turning to mush faster than your carton of ice cream. You're seized once again by the thoughts that have been keeping you up at night: Should you pick White Ice, Cloud White, White Dove or, because food choices seem to come easier to you, a shade called White Rice? Moreover, why is it that you can make some decisions so quickly and easily while others grip you with indecision and fear and cause you to procrastinate? With daunting clarity, you realize that it's the same way at work.
Believe It: You Can Be More Decisive
With one eye open, you may be curious about the psychological underpinnings of indecisiveness. The closed eye may not want to see the full picture, lest you uncover a complex disorder that requires you to undergo immediate and long-term psychological treatment, locked away in a dungeon in a faraway land.
Since you haven't lost your sense of humor, you should also be capable of cutting yourself a little slack. As human beings, we're not born decision-makers; we develop this skill as we age and mature. As we do, we understand that we should be less focused on making the "right" decision than learning how to live with the unfortunate ones. After all, this is how most people learn – and develop confidence and resilience.
In the meantime, you might be relieved to hear a few things about indecisiveness, straight from the people who analyze it at Psychology Today:
- At worst, indecision is a type of chronic procrastination. It often descends on people when they're facing a difficult decision or one with long-term consequences (like wall paint, not pizza or ice cream).
- At least 20 percent percent of all adults are indecisive.
- If you truly feel motivated to become more decisive, you can be. External motivators (including well-meaning but bossy colleagues) will not bring about "lasting change;" only self-motivation can accomplish that.
There are several paths to meaningful change, and the following may do wonders for you:
- Review the difference between decisive and indecisive personalities, if only to identify behaviors you wish to discard or emulate.
- Address the underlying fears and anxieties you may feel about making decisions, which the magazine acknowledges can be "crippling."
- Consider action steps that can lead to more decisive behavior, including tips from a quick decision-maker.
Traits Separate Decision Makers from Decision Stallers
Ironically, indecisive people don't always like hearing different points of view (so you may be making progress already). Multiple opinions can confuse them almost as much as the presence of too many options. Hire Success says that indecisive personality types are also known to:
- Feel stressed out when they have to make a decision, sometimes even manifesting physical symptoms such as headaches and nausea.
- Mull over their options almost to the point of exhaustion, sometimes protracting the process further by conducting "polls" among trusted people.
- Rely on someone with a strong opinion to make a decision for them.
- Harbor doubts after a decision is made – sometimes casting this period as "waiting for the other shoe to drop." They often expect a negative outcome.
As you might expect, decisive personalities frame choices, problems and issues pragmatically, not emotionally, as they:
- Adopt a calm, self-assured mindset.
- Coolly compare and contrast the pros and cons.
- Feel comfortable with risk, even viewing it as a clarifying force that can help lead to faster decisions.
- Express confidence after making a decision – and seldom look back on it.
Of course, some people might say this last quality smacks of arrogance and that it can be worthwhile to review even good decisions. But decisive types, who don't reopen a book after it's closed, have already moved onto the next decision.
Get In Touch With Your Fears
If you were attending a Tony Robbins seminar, he would probably say you can be more decisive once you "overcome your fears." The life and business strategist has motivated and inspired thousands of individuals and businesses to succeed and surely means well. But if your indecision is triggering acute fear and anxiety, his admonishment could be akin to how a terrified air traveler might feel if he were ordered to board an airplane "right now." Deep-rooted fears cannot be "ordered away."
In fairness to Robbins, plenty of life and business experts also put eradicating fear as the first step in the battle against indecision. So (no pressure) maybe it's up to you to decide: Since confidence builds with time and practice, it may be more productive to simply identify your fear (or fears) before taking the sensible action steps that follow. Your fears should melt away over time, which is why "overcoming fears" may be more appropriate at the bottom of a help list rather than the top. It should come last because it often happens last.
Whatever you decide, Healthline and clinical psychologist Nick Wignall say other habits and thoughts may be undermining your decision-making process at work, including:
- Overthinking and overanalyzing, also known as paralysis by analysis.
- Fearing uncertainty, commonly known as fear of the unknown.
- Feeling helpless or a lack of control.
- Seeking reassurance (when, ironically, the best reassurance of all is making a decision you can live with).
Time to do the "Decision Dive"
Presumably, you've decided that identifying and conquering fears is a process. It can be a recursive one, too, shuffling you from one extreme to another until your fears subside, your confidence builds and (believe it not) you actually enjoy making decisions at work – a far cry from procrastinating them.
Decisions can seem less intimidating and less foreboding when you:
- Dispense with the notion of perfection. It's just that: A notion. Here, Robbins makes a worthy point in saying that even important decisions are seldom a matter of life and death. When you regard them as learning experiences and stepping stones, the quest for perfection should disappear.
- Reduce a major decision into smaller parts. For example, if you're a manager who has to make recommendations about hiring freezes, approach the assignment by studying one department at a time rather than trying to tackle the entire company at once.
- Remember that no decision is irreversible (or at least, shouldn't be). In fact, it could provide a good learning opportunity for coworkers to see that it takes a strong and sure person to reevaluate a decision and change course.
- Find a trustworthy mentor to bounce ideas off, ask questions of and turn to for advice about becoming more decisive. Chances are, he or she has been in your shoes and can offer guidance.
Of course, nobody says you have to agree with every piece of advice you hear, much less follow it. Arguably, if you can peacefully agree to disagree, you've made a huge step toward gaining more confidence in your ability to form judgments and make decisions. Not every decision has to carry life or death consequences to impart a lesson.
To test this assertion, consider some advice from Jon Braddock, CEO of My Life & Wishes. He says he evaluates all the information available to him before imagining the best outcome and the worst outcome. Then he makes a decision in no more than 10 minutes. "I ask myself, 'Can I live with either outcome?' If the answer is yes, I move quickly. If the answer is no, I walk away."
Only you can decide if this is advice you can live with – and that's as good a place as any to start.
How Long Does It Take for Eliquis to Work
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